Cross My Paws Animal Rescue of New Mexico, Adoptable Dogs, Spay and Neuter, Adopt, don't shop. Dog Lovers of New Mexico

It all begins with an idea.

Welcome to Cross My Paws Animal Rescue of New Mexico, a beacon of hope in the heart of Albuquerque, extending its compassionate reach across the entire state. Our journey began with a profound realization by our founder, Lani Nash, who, upon moving to New Mexico in 2016, was confronted with the unsettling reality of animal suffering that was impossible to overlook. Witnessing the widespread cruelty, neglect, and abuse, Lani's heart was moved by the silent pleas for help emanating from these innocent beings.

New Mexico's alarming 24% euthanasia rate underscored the magnitude of the crisis, revealing that the path to healing would require a collective effort from our community. It became evident to Lani that the afflictions faced by these animals were not just isolated incidents but a pervasive issue stemming from human indifference and negligence. The turning point came when the distress of these animals resonated personally with Lani, transforming their struggle into a shared one, compelling her to act.

Cross My Paws was born from the conviction that we must do better for our furry friends. We understand that adoption alone cannot solve the problem; we need systemic change. Affordable veterinary care, including spaying and neutering, is vital to prevent further suffering. Education and community involvement stand at the core of our mission, as we believe in enlightening hearts and minds to foster a more compassionate world for all living beings.

At Cross My Paws, we are dedicated to ensuring no animal is left to suffer. We champion the belief that every life, whether human or animal, is precious and deserving of love, kindness, and the fulfillment of basic needs. Join us in our quest to not only rescue and rehabilitate but to fundamentally transform our society into one where every paw is cherished and every animal is treated with the dignity they deserve. Together, we can make a difference.